Friday, October 11, 2013

Katie's Journey Short Stories

Hello everyone! :)
As you may already know, I've been getting pretty discouraged lately about my latest story.  And I've had some comments regarding the detail of the story as well so I've decided to start ALL over with a clean slate. Now... don't worry... I'm not changing a lot. Just backing up a bit, and changing a few details. I hope this doesn't disappoint you too much, and I'll get the first short story posted as soon as I can. :D
How has your week been?
~ Mallory Beth


Rebekah said...

I'm looking forward to reading your "new" story. Hope my comments didn't discourage you. Feel free to ask me any questions about writing or anything. I'll try to answer them. :)

Grace Upon Grace said...

Thanks, Rebekah! But you didn't discourage me in the least! I had already been frustrated with myself.

Grace Upon Grace said...


Rebekah said...

Have you thought of trying to write short stories before you venture into a longer one?
If you have a friend who will write with you I'd suggest you write "pretend letters." Pick a time period in history (I prefer U.S. history as it's easiest to research if need be.), each of you create a "family" and then write to each other as though you were a member of the "family" you created and lived during that time in history.

Or you could just practice writing short stories of 1-5 thousand words in length.

Or :) If you are interested, I can send you some writing assignments I did with other girls. They all enjoyed them and their writing improved. I know that sometimes having someone else check and give feedback helps keep you going.

Anyway, there are a few ideas. If you are interested in assignments, let me know at readanotherpage[at]gmail[dot]com

Grace Upon Grace said...

Thanks for the suggestions, Rebekah! But I think I might try the short stories with Katie's Journey, and if that doesn't work, then I'll try the letter idea. :D
But thanks again. :)