Sunday, June 30, 2013


Ok... so Momma and I went to Hobby Lobby last Tuesday, and we trying to find metal stars in the 4th of July section.  There was about one and a half rows of that, and then we went around to the next aisle, and guess what we found?  Fall decorations in June!!
Then we went around the next corner, and guess what else we found!? This gets even better!!
 Christmas ornaments!!  Isn't that crazy?? This has been bothering me all week! Why does the world always insist on rushing the seasons?  I just had to share this with you...  :D
     Until next time...
~ Mallory Beth

Monday, June 17, 2013

I Promise....

to post more often...  I've had such a busy last few weeks! I had my dance recital on the 8th of June, and that was a crazy week.  Then I helped teach Preschoolers at our church's VBS that next week. But now that everything has calmed dawn, and summer is here, I'll find more time to keep you updated. :D
P.S. I'll share the pictures from my recital soon.
~ Mallory 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Katie's Journey Button

 I've been wanting to make button for my story "Katie's Journey".  I found this picture on Pinterest, which I'm absolutely addicted to, and thought that It would be the perfect button!  I wanted to ask you guys if you'd put the button on your blog?  I thought that it would be a good way to advertise, not only my story, but my blog also. :D   Here's the link that you can connect to the button:
~Mallory Beth
P.S. I am still trying to work on Chapter 3.  I know... it's been a long time since I've posted a chapter, so I'll try to get it up when everything calms down here. :D