Tuesday, January 15, 2013


So I have some good news and some bad news...  which one shall I tell you first?  I think I'll tell the bad new first... remember the home school civil war ball that our family attended last January?  Well the ball would have been on the 28th of this month, but we went to buy tickets after Christmas, and the lady had to cancel it. 
 : (   We were SO sad! 
So... ready for the good news?  Well my sister Erin decided that we should host one ourselves on April 13th (the day before my sister's 22nd birthday : D ). It actually will be at the same location as the other one. It's a ball for just home schooled students, home school graduates, and family.  If you are interested, we have a blog set up, and I'll link it at the end of the post.  All ages welcome! 
Please let all of your friends know about this!  We would greatly appreciate it if you would put this poster everywhere you can think of! Thank you! We would love to see you there! : )

Ball Flyer
  We believe that this event will be a wonderful time to spend with like-minded families to make wonderful memories! : ) 
 Here's the link for the blog:  http://thecivilwarball.blogspot.com/
Our e-mail address is:  thecivilwarball@yahoo.com
We are also on Facebook!
~ Mallory Beth
P.S. There is also a ball in Yale, OK on February 23.  This ball is free, which is always great!  Our family went to this last year, and it was pretty fun.  Although it is not home school families only, there are some home school people attending.  
Let us know if you have any questions!  : D


Anonymous said...

We had a civil war ball last year at Christmas. It was a ton of fun. It was held by the MO homeschool group "CHEF" I hope yours turns out great!

...btw I'm trying to see how many people I can get to comment on a post, so if you want, you can check out my blog @...

Grace Upon Grace said...

Thank you for visiting my blog, David! :) I checked yours out, and I thought it was cool!
I hope it goes well too. ;)

Anna said...

So there's a ball in real life? Or something on here (obviously not dancing, lol =D)? I'm a little confused... :/

Anonymous said...

Thanks for following me!

Grace Upon Grace said...

No not on Blogger... LOL.
It's a homeschool Civil War dance in Sand Springs, Oklahoma. Sorry, I didn't specify! :)

Grace Upon Grace said...

You're welcome.