Monday, December 31, 2012

Katie's Journey Page/Merry Chirstmas!

Hello everyone! I just wanted to announce that I am going to be adding Katie's Journey to a different page, so that you can look at it with out having to search for it. : )  I am trying to work on Chapter 2, but I've had a little bit of a brain block... so you only have to wait a little bit longer! Haha! : )
 I'm sorry that I didn't post on Christmas, but our family came down from Michigan, and I didn't have time. : /    But I guess it's never too late to wish you all a Merry Christmas!! : )  How was your Christmas and what do you usually do for your holiday? 
                                             Have a wonderful rest of the day, and I'll talk to you next year!  ; )
                                                                                   ~ Mallory

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