Monday, June 17, 2013

I Promise....

to post more often...  I've had such a busy last few weeks! I had my dance recital on the 8th of June, and that was a crazy week.  Then I helped teach Preschoolers at our church's VBS that next week. But now that everything has calmed dawn, and summer is here, I'll find more time to keep you updated. :D
P.S. I'll share the pictures from my recital soon.
~ Mallory 


Anna said...

It's OK:) Missed ya!! ;)

Anna said...
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Lil said...

Doesn't life just get away with itself!?
I frequently need to remind people as well that I haven't disappeared from off the face of the earth! :P This is the first time in a looong time that my June is actually pretty relaxed, and it's so nice.
Excited to see pics from the recital!