Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wonderful Music!

My parents went to Fort Rock Family over Spring Break for a marriage retreat.  Dr. SM Davis was there to speak along with Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar.  Dr. Davis's grandson, Josh Wilson came to sing on Saturday night, and he has a really great voice! Check out this song!

(This one made me cry! Ha ha.) 
Sorry... I didn't realize that the first verse was cut off, but it has the rest of it on there. : )
You can order his cd at:
Hope you enjoy!!: D
~ Mallory


Unknown said...

how cool! My grandparents house couples for marriage retreats in their own home. I went to a fundraising banquet, it's amazing the stories that come from couples that go.

Have a wonderful weekend and a great Easter!

Grace Upon Grace said...

You too! :)