"So, one day out of the year is set aside for celebrating love. But my question is, why not do it all /365/ days? And, we focus so much on human relationships, but what about a relationship with the One who made us and is the /Author/ of love?" My friend Leah posted this on Facebook yesterday and it got me to thinking of how many times I have put the Lord aside to do something that I wanted to do, without doing my devotions first thing in the morning. So I am making a late New Year's resolution to make more time for God, because He took the time to send His Son to save all of us!
What do you do for Valentine's Day?
Have a blessed day!
~Mallory Beth
Good post, Mallory.
I usually end up babysitting my niece and nephews and often some friends' children.
Enjoy your weekend.
Thanks! You too, Rebekah! :-D
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