Friday, March 16, 2012

Homeschool Civil War Ball Pictures.

Hey guys!! Here are some of the pictures I promised a few days ago.  But mind you, it might take you a while to look at all this! Haha! : )

                                                               These are pictures of the venue... big isn't it??

 The entry way.                                                                                         The Stage.

Our musicians:The Camp Followers
Dance cards for the ladies... they were so much fun!

The Virginia Reel (My sister, Erin, is in the
the tan dress on the left)

My sister and Daddy                   
                                                                                  I'm in the background enjoying my punch :D
                          My lovely family. 

                                                                                                                 My Civil War look

Momma and Daddy
Momma and Daddy heading to the right and then
my sister and me heading to the left
Spreading out. I'm on the left but my head is
blocked by the poles. haha

So that is the end to my very long post!  I didn't seem to turn up in many pictures, however I am in a video that I might post later. : )
                                                       Your Sister In Christ,

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