Hey guys!
I know that I know that I haven't been posting lately, but I've been busy and have had a lot on my mind lately! Sorry! : )
I just found tonight out that my dance teacher, Wendi, has breast cancer. : ( She found out 2 weeks ago and our recital is in June! But she says that she will dance with us for as long as she can and the doctor says that it is beatable at this point! Just pray that it will stay that way!!!
I would very much appreciate it if you would pray for her, and I know that she would be touched also!!!!
Thank you!!!!!
Sincerely ,
Mallory : )
Hi Mallory
I prayed for your dance teacher. It must be so hard having a friend going through this. I prayed for strength for you also.
P.s - I voted 'Christy' on your poll. I finished reading it a few weeks ago, and I really liked it. I would love to read a book review. But I would also be interested in 'Across Five Aprils' and 'The Disappearing Stranger' because I haven't read them.
Hey Lauren!!!! :)
Thank you so much for praying for Wendi and myself! It is extremely hard for us girls at dance, we love her so much!!!! Just keep praying that God will pull her and her family through this! I believe that He will!!!
Hello Mallory,
I just stopped by your lovely blog after discovering I had a new follower this morning, and have so enjoyed have a poke around. :)
I will definitely be praying for your dance teacher, Wendi. My mum is on the same journey at the moment so I know how hard it can be, but praise the Lord for He is so loving and merciful in whom we can put our trust.
Just remember John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you, not as the world givith give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled nether let it be afraid."
Many blessings,
Hello Kelsie-Anne! :) Thank you so much for commenting!!
Also, I appreciate you praying for Wendi! Thank you for the encouragement from that verse. We've found it hard to not be afraid, but I know that God will take care of her!! My family was so sorry to hear about your momma... I can't even imagine going through that! I'll be praying for her!:)
I have really like your blog!
Mallory :)
Hi Mallory,
I'm a first-time visitor but just wanted to drop by and say hi! =) Thanks so much for commenting on my blog, I love meeting new people! (for the 200th time.) I will definitely pray for your teacher, that the Lord will help her through this time. Glad to hear it's possibly beatable. ;) I always have so much respect for those who go through hardships like that. Your teacher is very strong.
Hello Lily Marie, :)
Thank you for commenting!!!! I am very grateful that you have prayed for Wendi, and I'm sure she will appreciate it too.
I have enjoyed visiting your blog! I also hope that maybe we could keep corresponding through our blogs!!!
Your sister in Christ,
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