Thursday, May 30, 2013

Every Season of Life

Wow, how time flies!! Keegan turned two on Sunday, and it seems just like yesterday that we were at the hospital getting to see him for the first time!

 He has grown up so fast these last two years, and I am very grateful that God has put this sweet little boy in our lives! :D 
Oh no! I think I fell tears coming on!! Haha! :D
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
~ Ecclesiastes 3:1


Lovely Weather!

Okay... so my title might be a little bit deceiving.  This isn't the usual pretty spring weather... this is the scary,  tornadic, and typical Oklahoma weather! : /  I'll show you a few pictures:

Cool but Scary Clouds
News 2 Share Submission
Scary, huh? 
 Please pray that we and our friends are kept safe tonight. :D

Monday, May 27, 2013

New Blog Design!!

Hello everyone! I am proud to present my new blog design!  My sister and I have completely revamped our sites courtesy of  It is free of charge, and so easy to use!  I am addicted to it already! : D
 Leave a comment and tell me what you think!
P.S. I've had some requests to post another chapter of "Katie's Journey", and I wanted to let you know that I'm trying...  My brain is having trouble cooperating! Ha ha!  But I promise that I'll try harder for you. : )
Your Sister in Christ,